PSPP Tutorial

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Section One: Introduction to PSPP

PSPP is a statistical analysis tool developed to be a free, open-source alternative to SPSS (which is now developed by IBM).  Although not identical, it is similar in many respects, and allows one to work with file formats common to SPSS.  Users can freely download PSPP from

Whereas SPSS was originally an acronym for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, "PSPP" has no corresponding meaning (although the letters obviously relate to the SPSS name).

Unlike SPSS, PSPP does not limit the number of cases or variables which you are able to use, nor will it require you to purchase add-ons to gain access to more advanced functions. As a fully functional statistical analysis program, it is capable of performing descriptive statistics, y-tests, linear regression, as well as non-parametric tests. Included in its basic design is the ability to perform analyses as quickly as possible, regardless of the volume of data entered. In addition, you have the option of using the program through its graphical user interface (GUI), or through the more traditional method of utilizing syntax commands.

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PSPP Tutorial by CHASS IT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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