BlueGriffon Tutorial

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Creating, Saving, and Opening Pages

Creating a New Page

Since it is quite likely that you are going to want to have multiple pages in your site rather than just one, it will be beneficial to know how to create new pages.

Fig. 5-1

To create a new page, click on the Create a new page button in the main toolbar, located on the far left (Fig. 5-1).

Fig. 5-2

A page labeled "untitled" will then appear in a new tab, next to your already-created page (Fig. 5-2).

Saving Pages

Fig. 5-3

To save a page, click Save file to a local location in the main toolbar (Fig. 5-3).

Fig. 5-4

The program will then prompt you to enter a title for the page you are saving, which will appear at the top of the browser window (Fig. 5-4). Press OK when finished.

Fig. 5-5

Navigate to your main site directory, and enter the file name for your new page (Fig. 5-5). The file name should be all lowercase, with no spaces or symbols. When finished, click Save.

Opening Files

Fig. 5-6

To open an existing file, click on the Open an existing page button in the toolbar (Fig. 5-6), and choose whether you would like BlueGriffon to open the page in a new tab, or in a new window.

Fig. 5-7

When the Open a file or template window appears, click on Choose File (Fig. 5-7).

Fig. 5-8

Click on the file that you want to open, and click on the Open button to load the file into the program (Fig. 5-8).

If you have several pages in your site, it will be neccessary to link them all together. The next section on Anchors and Links covers how you can do this.

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