Microsoft Word 2013 Tutorial

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Section 9: Bullets and Numbering

Bullets and numbering are most useful in creating ordered lists in your document. In this section of the tutorial we will cover the basics of both bulleted and numbered lists.


MS Word 9-1

Figure 9-1

Step 1. To insert a bulleted list, click on the HOME tab, and under the Paragraph icon group on the ribbon menu, locate the MS Word 9-3icoBullets icon. Click on the arrow beside it to reveal the drop-down menu, and select the kind of bullet you would like to use. If you just want to use a simple bullet, clicking on the button itself will create a simple bulleted list.

MS Word 9-2

Figure 9-2

Step 2. Type the list, pressing Enter once to insert another bullet. When finished, simply press Enter twice.

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It often happens that a simple bulleted list is not what is called for in the context of the paragraph's subject matter (or the list itself may be too long). In which case, a numbered list might be more appropriate.

MS Word 9-3

Figure 9-3

Step 1. Click on the HOME tab, and under the Paragraph icon group, locate the MS Word 9-3ico2Numbered List icon. Click on the arrow beside it to reveal the drop-down menu, and select the kind of number or letter scheme you would like to use. As with bulleted lists above, clicking on the icon itself will create a simple numbered list.

 MS Word 9-4

Figure 9-4 

Step 2. Begin typing the numbered list, pressing Enter once to create a new entry within the list. When finished, simply press Enter twice.

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Formatting Lists

If at any time you want to change the format of your list, Word 2013 provides a variety of options.

Formatting Bulleted Lists

MS Word 9-5

Figure 9-5

Step 1. To format a bulleted list, first select the list itself.

 MS Word 9-6

Figure 9-6 

Step 2. Under the HOME tab, click on arrow beside the Bullets icon in the Paragraph icon group, and select a new bullet from the drop-down menu. Notice that when you hover your mouse over the bullet, it will give you a preview of what the new bullet will look like in your list. If the bullet you want isn't listed, click on Define New Bullet.

Formatting Numbered Lists

MS Word 9-7

Figure 9-7

Step 1. As above in bulleted lists, to format a numbered list, first select it.

MS Word 9-8

Figure 9-8

Step 2. Then, under the HOME tab, click on the arrow beside the Numbered List icon to reveal the drop-down menu, where you can select a different formatting. As with bulleted lists above, if you do not see a format that is to your liking, you may set your own custom scheme by selecting Define New Number Format.

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